Доклад Л. Ногач на
Международной Школе "Advanced Studies Institute" -
Symmetries and SPIN, (SPIN-Praha-2003) в Праге (2003 г.)
Single-Spin Asymmetry in
Inclusive π0Production Measured at the Protvino 70 GeV
Список авторов
A. Davidenko, V. Grishin, V. Khodyrev, V. Kravtsov, Yu. Matulenko, V.
Medvedev, Yu. Melnick, A. Meschanin, V. Mochalov, D. Morozov, L.
Nogach, S. Nurushev, P. Semenov, K. Shestermanov, L. Soloviev, A.
Vasiliev, A. Yakutin, N. Borisov, A. Fedorov, V. Matafonov, A. Neganov,
Yu. Plis, Yu. Usov, A. Lukhanin
Single Spin Asymmetries (SSA) AN measured in the two
reactions at the
Protvino 70 GeV accelerator are presented. AN in the
reaction p+p↑→π0+X in the central region is
close to zero within the error
bars. SSA in the reaction π-+p↑→π0+X
in the polarized target
fragmentation region is equal to (-15╠4)%
at |xF|>0.4. There is an
indication that the asymmetry arises at the same pion energy in the
center of
mass system.
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- Текст статьи, опубликованной в Czech.J.Phys. 54 (2004) B167-B172
в формате .ps
: (Ссылка на электронный архив e-arxiv::hep-ex/0312014.
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